Wasnt an individual connected to the Canadian covid round table connected to one of the chinese scientists that stole from the Winnipeg lab. They vouched for this chinese scientist so that raises red flags to those making covid policy like chinese style lockdowms and testing and quarantine. Whats interesting is Dr Anthony Fauci stated no quarantine necessary for doctors who went to help with ebola if they had no symptoms but look for covid there were 14 day quarantine for people with no symptoms or even were in contact with a positive case but healthy needed to quarantine so credibility is called into question on covid policy. Covid spread silently for months destroying all covid policies and indicating they were all a farce. Destroying the novel usage. Destroying no natural immunity theory and that there was an energency need for a vaccine.

The Laurentian ellites were connected to Jean Chretien as PM so was organized crime therefore more red flags here. National security is used to cover up possible treason and an American lawyer has made a beautiful argument regarding treason which is the same for Canada. Definitely worth investigating.

Remdesivir was used for Ebola that caused deaths so did Ebola kill the majority or did experimental remdesivir? David Martin has expounded on this using data. We know remdesivir was used for covid and the death rate for vents and remdesivir was like 95%. The bad effects of remdesivir are recorded. Liver and kidney damage. . Would you want that used for your loved ones? Would you accept a 95% death rate as a health protocol or would you rather try HCQ or ivermectin which the FDA tried to pretend was good for cows and horses not for humans but now after scrutiny in the Court the FDA has had to retract and admit ivermectin can be used for covid. Such blatamt cover up for 3 years. How many died from a 95% killing rate of health protocols put in place? David Martin again has the data so does the lawyers.

Quercetin and zinc zap coronaviruses. Cant allow that because we must get MRNA technology in everybody's arms. Why ?

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Chretien was linked to organized crime and the government protected him. Have you researched that Chretien was found in the company of former molesting priest of the Catholic church father Ron Kelly and his organized crime associates. This fraudster was friends with Bob Rae and greasy union leaders . Didnt greasy union leaders decide to attack parents who protested woke ideology last month.

I hear people connected to the freedom convoy used in the news are paid political informants. Anyone want to know who they are? It was on both sides of the coin.

Remember the mayhem in Toronto in 2010 with the G20. Didnt Bill Blair and company learn what happens when the lawsuits start. Government Commissions are a scam and rigged. There are some good judges out there .

still. The Rouleau commission was run by criminals. Remember behind every crooked foundation drug cartels momey laundering organizations is crooked politicians and crooked crown prosecutors. The main stream media with the Cameron Ortis trial have outed how crooked they really are in reporting. Trudeau stated unvaccinated Canadians were a threat on airplanes and trains yet lets see the Khanani money launderer of drug cartels and terrorist networks who even funded terrorists got 68 months in jail. Not life imprisonment . Just over 5 years. He was let out July 2020 during covid. This guy operated in Toronto money laundering from Russia to Britain to Australia Canada USA and midfle East. Yet the truckers were a terrorist threat. Unvaccinated were a threat. How low do people go and why dont you all read the Cameron Ortis trial write ups.

The lawsuits will start flying so get ready. The media are going to be held to account for what they did against Canadians especially the unvaccinated. They are a disgusting filth in Canada that needs cleaning up. The paid political informants will be outed so might be a good idea to fess up.

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Great research on Chinese link to deadly viruses but you also have to connect the nazi scientists who came to America in Operation paperclip. These nazi scientists are connected to the drug thalidomide. Yes that drug that was given to pregnant females and babies were deformed. The same drug that many doctors didnt want removed off the shelf in Canada. Remembe we had a Canadian whistleblower Michele Brille Edwards who outed that the Canadian government had quietly disabled the safety system for drug approval. Would that be because big pharma funds Health Canada for 90% ?

We had other whistleblowers like Shiv Chopra who has battled the government on drug approval for harmful drugs used in meats and milk production. How quickly the MEDIA forgets all the naughty players in Health Canada and drug approval process and calling these covid vaccines safe based on past harmful conduct. As Shiv Cnopra and 2 other courageous federal worker scientists told the Senate committee that Health Canada tries to pressure them to approve drugs that are harmful.

Any courageous whistleblowers in Health Canada like to call the, lawyer Sam Prezvelos to report pressure for these covid vaccines for the travel vaccine mandates mootness case in federal Court Oct 11th. That would be a great service to Canadians because Michele Brille Edwards has spoken out on Mefloquine that was given to the Canadian military for malaria injuring them and it appears their class action lawyers are rather silent on the covid vaccines that are harming. One of the first yellow fever vaccines that people loved to use to support vaccine passports for travel actually caused hepatitis in the US military. 100000 service man got hepatitis which can lead to cancers and many health issues. Mefloquine can cause nervous system damage and other serious health issues and the Canadian military was mandated to take it. Now its a seconfry line of defence the military states. Yup the wording used to offset the lawsuits agaist them.

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The polio vaccine in the 1950's was called safe but was causing harm including killing and they blame an epidemic of soft tiissue cancer coming from this first polio vaccine where it was contamined with SV 40 and a promoter and now has been found in these pfizer moderna covid MRNA vaccines and the court ruled on negligence for calling this polio vaccine safe. Lesson learned here. Dont always trust what big pharma and regulators tell you. Follow past experiences. Research carefully as that is called informed consent. Refuse as thats your god given right to choose. Your charter protected right. Nuremberg Code gives you the right to not be experimented on. It gives you the right to informed comsent and right to refuse and the Declarations on Bioethics and Human rights spawns from the Nuremberg Code and attrocities of Nazi Germany. Who is stealing that right. The same people linked to the nazi scientists in operation paper clip who brought you thalidomide used now for anti cancer therapy but was harming babies . They are experimenting on pregnant females with this MRNA vaccine and harming and killing and have also experimented on people with microwaves and other covert technologies.

See the lengths that the government goes to cover up. They charged these 2 scientists with breach of loyalty for whistle blowing. The courts found the scientists NOT GUILTY in 2001. Doesnt matter which person is Prime Minister. The same bullying practics continue. Shiv Chopra was fired and lost his battle to get his job back in 2017. Who was at the helm. Theresa Tam as the chief public health doctor.

The media called Michelle Brille Edwards a hero. We had committees to make protection of whistle blowers in Canada stronger as Canada has an abysmal record on protecting Canadians who whistle blow to protect their fellow Canadians. We have doctors courageously outing the harms of these covid vaccines. They are attacked smeared and villified. The attacks by media huge and everyone you need to save the attacks against these doctors by hypocrite media. The police should be charging these bullies putting Canadians at risk by pressuring to approve harmful drugs.

Andy Lee the Chinese are used for money and power. Its a game of risk so to speak. They use their adversary as a political and economic pawn. But in the process they destroy Canadian lives. They injure maim and kill. They use anti organizations as fronts for terrorism drug trafficking arms deals human trafficking etc and your investigation of RAT in a factory with human trafficked chinese nationals working in unsanitary harmul conditions and the cover up is proof of this. Those RAT covid tests probably ended up being given out for free in Ontario to kids and families and seniors. Unsanitary test kits of course. Canada Health and PHAC covered ir up The same bullies who push harmful drugs to be approved.

Where are all your supporters on twitter. Abysmal comments on your substack. Is it shadow banned? Thei unions going out to attack parents right to choose today wow the crook Joe Biden was heavily attached to unions including organized crime. The bullies who attack good people and protect lazy incompetent are your unions.

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Thank you Andy!

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Unbelievable article Andy !!

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Used a bit of Andy’s wonderful research to write my book.

Thanks for all you do Andy.

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